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Same Day Dentures
Jefferson Hills, PA

Same Day Dentures provided by in Jefferson Hills, PA at

Elderly woman smiling with dentures on a white backgroundWhen you suffer from tooth loss, there are various solutions you can consider in order to restore your smile. Dentures are definitely the most popular and also the least invasive of all procedures you could get done in your mouth.

If you are looking to get good quality dentures without having to waste any time, then you can consider getting same day dentures as well. Sometimes people do not have enough time to wait for additional days because they have work appointments and stepping out without a complete set of teeth is too embarrassing. Thankfully same day dentures are just as effective and will last you a long time. If you suffer from multiple tooth loss and you are looking to get dentures on the very same day, then visit Poleski Family Dentistry and we will help you find the perfect solution.

What Are Same Day Dentures?

Just as the name suggests, same day dentures are dentures that you can get without having to wait for a new pair of teeth. You can step into our dental clinic and leave with a complete set of teeth. These dentures are created on the very same day and involve fewer processes in comparison to traditional dentures. This process only takes a couple of hours and you will leave the clinic with a complete set of teeth.

How Do I Know I Can Get Same Day Dentures?

If you suffer tooth loss and you want your dentures instantly, you need to take into consideration the following factors. Has the tooth loss caused gum damage or there are still wounds that need to be healed? If that is the case, then you will have to wait till the gums heal completely before you get your dentures. The reason you should wait is because when you have wounds in your mouth, there is inflammation and once this is healed completely the size your dentures need to be will automatically change because of the reduced swelling.

This means that the dentures that you got on the day you went in for your measurement will no longer fit you. If you have no swelling or no injuries in your mouth or if you had a set of dentures previously then you can consider getting same day dentures. It is always advisable to discuss your dental history with us prior to considering same day dentures.

Same day dentures are just as effective as traditional dentures and there is nothing that you need to worry about. These dentures are long lasting and whether you want partial dentures or complete dentures, you can get them both designed and set in your mouth the very same day you visit the clinic. It is a painless procedure that is simple and noninvasive.

These same day dentures look just as natural as traditional dentures and no one will be able to tell the difference. You can give us a call at 412 813-3131 to learn more about how these dentures can benefit you and you can even drop in at Poleski Family Dentistry to see whether or not you are a suitable candidate for same day dentures.

Poleski Family Dentistry
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Same Day Dentures Jefferson Hills PA
Poleski Family Dentistry, 1209 PA-885, Jefferson Hills, PA 15025 • 412 813-3131 • • 2/1/2025 • Tags: dentist Jefferson Hills PA •